Shopify Winter Edition 2024 is HERE! Each year, Shopify releases hundreds of improvements to their commerce platform – from POS and AI, to B2B and Checkout enhancements.
Our VP of Strategy, Sue Hunter, has identified her top 5 favorite updates below:
1. Product Merchandising: Shopify’s variant limit increased from 100 to 2,000! This new limit is impressive and should handle 99.9% of Shopify merchants.
Shopify has released new product APIs to unlock up to 2,000 variants per product to better support more complex catalogs. This is currently available in developer preview and will be available to select businesses in 2024.

2. Shopify’s Checkout Extensibility’s plug and play approach is very smart and merchant-friendly. With Shopify’s Checkout Extensibility, you have access to a a suite of tools for app-based customizations that is fast, secure, and upgrade-safe. It not only surpasses the limitations of checkout.liquid, but it also provides a far more powerful solution for customizing checkout, both now and in the future.
The new extensibility functionality extends to both the thank you and order pages, not just the checkout flow. To get started with Checkout Extensibility, you will need to upgrade from checkout.liquid and then you can begin customizations.
3. Saved payment methods – let’s face it, lots of shoppers just want to have a stored credit card in their account. Enterprise businesses can speed up future checkouts by offering customers the option to save their credit card information in your store.
4. Discounts displayed in cart – shoppers expect to see discount information in the cart before they get to checkout.
Before this update, the workarounds to display discounts were clunky. With checkout extensibility, the discount box and discounts can now be displayed in the cart. To get started with Checkout Extensibility, you will need to upgrade from checkout.liquid and then you can begin customizations.

5. Split shipments & corresponding payments – partial fulfillment is the reality of ecommerce, and Shopify can now support this use case.
For orders with multiple shipments, brands can now automatically capture payments when each part of the order is fulfilled. This feature is exclusive to Shopify Plus and early access will be available soon!
Reach out to us to learn how these new Editions changes impact your Shopify Store. Also, learn about the benefits of upgrading from checkout.liquid (a change that needs to be made by August 13, 2024, as Shopify will be sunsetting checkout.liquid on information, shipping, and payment pages).
Enjoy these new Shopify features!