
From SFCC to Shopify:
A CTO Migration Playbook

Top 10 Technical Challenges & Solutions

Salesforce to Shopify Migrations

It’s hard to get technical details for Salesforce to Shopify migrations, like the deep infrastructure and development challenges that CTOs and their teams care about most. 

As the only agency in the Shopify ecosystem with 6+ years of Shopify experience and 11+ years specializing in Salesforce Commerce Cloud (SFCC), CQL is uniquely positioned to support SFCC to Shopify migrations and help show you our Top 10 technical challenges and the solutions we have built over the last several years. 


What You'll Learn:

  • The Top 10 Challenges enterprise brands face when migrating from SFCC to Shopify

  • CQL’s solutions to the Top 10 Challenges, allowing 80% of Platform Evaluations to result in a Shopify platform selection 

  • All the technical migration details on topics like headed/headless, development environments & workflows, data migration, product data models, internationalization, search & merchandising, content management, ERP integrations, third party integrations, and more!

Download the CTO Migration Playbook

Please note: this whitepaper is for merchants and current partners only.

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